

Ja si bëhesh stjuardesë në Kinë

Supermodelet dhe stjuardesat duket sikur janë botë të ndryshme, por jo në këtë rast. Një shkollë në verilindje të Kinës zhvillon çdo vit audicione për të zgjedhur mes vajzave të diplomuara në shkollë të mesme ato që janë më të mira për t’u bërë modele ose stjuardesa. Më shumë se 1 mijë vajza bëjnë paradë me bikini për të fituar kontrata në industrinë e aviacionit ose të modës.


Catwalk: The event was hosted by a modelling school, which also gave the participants the opportunity to become models if they are luckyDressed up: Students had to parade in skimpy bikinis as well as relatively conservative airline uniforms as part of the annual auditionsPopular: The unusual event attracted potential applicants from Shandong, Hebei, Shanxi, Anhui, Jiangsu, Jilin and other nearby provincesStrict: Women were required by Oriental Beauty to be 'elegant, slim, have sweet voice and have no scars in the exposed part of their skin'Stiff competition: In China, many airlines have height requirements for air hostesses and it's considered an extremely competitive roleFuture: Graduates who are successful in attracting the attention of an airline school would go on to train to become an air hostess

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