

Mirka Velinovska: Gruaja e dytë e Ramës, Delina agjente e CIA-s dhe Sorosit

Sipas Londrës zyrtare, në Shqipëri për vitet e ardhshme do të jetë baza e funksionimit cila do të përdoret për të transferuar fondet e rrjetit Soros në të gjithë Ballkanin. Duke marrë parasysh se Shqipëria është një vend ende pa rregulla dhe Britania e Madhe e ka përdorur për veprat e pista që nga shekulli 19.

Gruaja e dytë e Edi Ramës, Delina Fico, sapo ka hapur një zyrë në Shkup, si anëtare e një tjetër fronti të CIA-s, “East & West Institute” e cila do të jetë në krye të “OJQ”-ve për shpërndarje fondesh.

Edi Rama dhe Hashim Thaci shkojnë në Stamboll për t’u takuar me Erdoganin, për të marrë leje për të krijuar shqetësime në Maqedoni.

Në një intervistë të para disa ditëve, shefi i VMRO-së, Nikolla Gruevski tha se rrjeti Shoqëria e Hapur e Sorosit në Maqedoni është përfshirë thellë në krizën politike dhe në cështjen e përgjimeve, ndaj Maqedonia duhet de-sorosizuar.


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Velinovska: US is Out, London takes over Macedonia destabilization project


In the latest column by Mirka Velinovska for Dnevnik , the popular Macedonian journalist states the foreign aggression in Macedonia will now transfer in the hands of London, as a result of Clinton’s election loss which will essentially drain the swamp – most CIA operatives including the US Ambassador who directed the field operations will now be replaced. The “Macedonian operation” originally drafted in the White House with Soros’ assistance took place with the Przino Agreement in 2016, however operationally was active well before then, says Velinovska. Macedonia has showed surprising resilience in refusing its own demise, however the CIA is confident in their success, since the plan was suppose to conclude in and around 2021. Why is Macedonia in the “crossfire” as John Kerry so eloquently stated? The only goal is to prevent a Eurasian economic connection, which leads through Macedonia, and Turkey. However, Turkey is already cleaning house, so the main focus is on Macedonia. Don’t get me wrong, the globalist cabal through the CIA and MI6 has had lots of success. The South Korean, Brazilian presidents were removed using the same lies they used in Macedonia (wiretapping scandal). It’s how they removed Berlusconi in Italy. Similar moves are now underway in Mozambique and the Congo as we speak. The Romanian (German appointee) president refused to grant a Prime Minister position to a woman whose party won the elections because her husband is Syrian and he cheered Trump’s election win!?!? Can you even imagine the odacity of that western fool! The focus is Macedonia – says Velinovska, and don’t we know it. The CIA boss just ten days ago visited Tirana to meet his useful idiots – writes Velinovska. It’s his last visit. Although Trump is suspending all the CIA’s (USAid) funds in Macedonia, the CIA boss had one last instruction for Rama – it’s the British that will be taking over the operation due to unusual circumstences in the US (Trump’s win). George Soros, the pro Nazi collaborator and senior CIA operative who took down the British currency is relocating to… London, to manage the activities from there. For the longest time, it was the US who shielded the Nazis, world’s criminals, now it’s back to Britain to ‘protect’ the scum of the earth. According to official London, Albania in the next for years will be the base of operation which will be used to transfer funds to the Soros network across the Balkans. Considering Albania is a non-country country which the UK has used for their dirty deeds since the 19th century, this makes total sense. Even today, there are 3,000 mujahideens in Albania who are training out on the open with NATO oversight. Albania is the biggest producer of narcotics in Europe whose profits are shared between the Albanian mafia and their civilized brothers in NATO. The drugs are transported to European capitals utilizing civilian and military Albanian pilots approved by NATO. This is the very defintion of organized Mafia, which in our case is often used around the Balkans to fabricate elections.


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