

Kristina Nano: Human aspect of the digital transformation

Kristina Nano

Studente, Master, profili “Zhvillimi Ekonomik dhe Ekonomi Ndërkombëtare”

Manisa Celal Bayar Universitesi, Turqi




It might be challenging to come up with a description that applies to all businesses because the digital transformation will appear different for each one. However, in general, we refer to digital transformation as the implementation of digital technology into every aspect of a business, which has a profound impact on how those firms run and how they provide value to consumers. Beyond that, it’s a culture shift that needs frequent experimentation and familiarity with failure on the part of organizations. This occasionally entails abandoning established business procedures upon which businesses were established in favour of more recently developed procedures.

The human side of change is without a doubt the most difficult aspect of a digital company transformation. Although successful transformation requires much more than just the adoption of technology, training, and development to enable people to use the digital solutions successfully. The mindset toward technological solutions is at the heart of transformation. This entails not just realizing the necessity of adoption and change but also supporting and advocating for its regular application. However, this is a little more difficult to do and calls for constant work.

Companies may start a number of essential processes to effectively achieve digital business transformation, including:

  1. Connect digital transformation to a common goal and long-term outlook.

When people comprehend the reason behind a change, driving it forward within a company is simpler. Create a transformational vision and mission that are both apparent. People will be motivated to support the change process if there is a clear objective and a common belief.Clearly describe and reinforce desirable actions and behaviours.

When there is clarity on what must be done and how to achieve it, change is simpler to accept. This entails a clear explanation of the behavioural patterns necessary to accomplish the organization’s intended future, as well as how success will be assessed and rewarded.

By setting examples of behaviours and activities that support the transformation process, leadership teams may guide this endeavour. Aligning performance objectives with these newly defined activities and behaviours is a more formal strategy. Additionally, make sure that the organizational structure, governance procedures, and operational environment are all changed to reflect the change.

The major purpose of this initiative is to equip the organization with the necessary competencies and skills to support the transformation goals. Employers must assist this process by ensuring that staff members have access to the education and training required to upskill or reskill.


  1. Move forward by making slow, steady progress.

The underlying belief that transformation requires great, audacious action in order to be successful is one that is frequently present. Companies are more likely to succeed in their transformation journeys when they concentrate on persistent efforts incorporating incremental improvements. Companies will be able to produce long-lasting results, lower resistance to change, and move forwards all through transformation by breaking operations down into “bite-sized” operations that seem nonthreatening and are simpler to adapt.

  1. Choose reliable internal ambassadors and influencers to promote the change.

Stakeholder analysis, a detailed evaluation of the roles, influencers, and decision-makers inside the company, is a crucial component of digital business transformation. This research, carried out in the initial phases of transformation, aids in locating the company’s potential change agents.

Influencers are far more successful at winning over employees and persuading them of the necessity of change than decision-makers and role-based authorities. Influencers can be found at any level within the business and are not always in positions of leadership. They frequently have a large network and interact well with people from different organizational silos.
The human side produces long-lasting change and value.

Innovation and implementation are crucial for the success of the digital business transformation. While implementing technology, altering operational models, and implementing customer-centric activities are essential for creating a digitally changed business, the success of transformation relies on the organization’s adaptability to shifting attitudes and new behaviours. In other words, the human aspect of digital transformation will make sure that change is durable and that the anticipated benefit is really delivered.

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