

Alexander the Greate Testament: I am a prominent descendant of Illyrians

Researcher Nadin Lucia has discovered a testament of Alexander the Great in which he addresses the people of Shkodra by giving them a territory under the administration as well as stressing that he is Illyrian by origin.

The document is published these days by the Italian researcher who has made ​​a scientific research to Alexander the Great. In a letter sent to Shkodrans, Alexander the Great writes: “I, Alexander, son of Philip, king of the Macedonians, the embodiment of the monarchy, the creator of the Greek Empire, the son of Zeus, interlecutor of Brahams, trees, the sun and moon, triumphant over Persian kings, Lord of the World were sun rises and never sets, from North to South, prominent seed sucker of Illyrian peoples of Dalmatia and Liburns and other peoples of the same language that populate the central area of ​​the Danube and Thrace, I bring love, peace and greetings to all those who follow the rule of the world. Because you’ve always shown strong faith and indomitable in my battles, I give and deliver to you in possession all the free areas of Akuilonit up to the edge of southern Italy. Nobody else dare to live in these areas, except as your slave, and their descendants would be the slaves of your descendants. Is written by Me in the Castle of Alexandria, founded by Me at the edge of Nile River in XII. With the will of the gods honored in my kingdoms, Zeus, Mars, Pluto and Minerva, the god of gods. Witness of this act are Athlete, My Lolotheti, and 11 other princes, who I will appoint as my successor of the World, because I am dying without leaving descendants”. (The will was discovered and translated from Italian researcher Lucia Nadin, which she has presented at scientific research, “the Statute de Scutari, della prima meta del SECOLO XVI con le addizioni grout al 1469”, the cura di Lucia Nadin, giogno 2002 Rome).

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