Vlora Obertinca: Nostalgy

They say great loves sleep in separate beds
Cleopatra says to Caesar:
“How come we have to separate ways”
I waited so long for you to feel your arms
For that is the only place I feel so calm
Where did I go wrong to lose the battle like this
How can you hide the feelings
That no one can resist
Key men around Emperor are silent
For they are on a good way
To ruin Cesare and Cleopatra
They laugh in secret
Because their desire is fulfilled
To ruin the Emperor
And rule themselves the world
But is he man enough
Only to sit and watch
To start the battle
Not being able to fight
Cleopatra raised her sword
Stood firm not giving up
In peace and war she is not to be surpassed
A wounded heart has no mouth to speak
For those who have no mercy
In a tragedy to leave their own fingerprints
Caesar, tired of battles, quietly said:
Go Cleopatra, you are not here
Wished nor welcomed.
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