Vlora Obertinca: I am moving on

I am moving on
Because life is short
To live in the past
It’s like living no more.
I want to reach the light
And hold to it tight
To vanish the pain
I feel inside.
I am moving on
With a wounded heart
Trying to heal it
On somebody else’s arms.
Where ever you are
I wish to see you
Happy among the stars
At least I can watch the sky
And see you spread the light.
That light I sent to you
Is an energy of healing
It will warm your heart
As long as you shall be living.
Look at the sunshine during the day
It warm your chest
For I am the ray.
May the burdens of your life
Fall light into your shoulders
For my soul will be there
To protect and hold you
May your heart
lead you on the right path
For my heart will support you
From another space and time
May God embrace you
With his invisible hands
So you will know
All is well
No need to worry
Ever again.
May your guardian Angel
Be always with you
Protect you from all harms
As I would protect you.
May turmoil and suffering
Be away from you
So you can enjoy your life
As it has been only once given to you.
May the blessings of your Mother
Follow your path
Everything you touch
To turn into gold and diamond.
You are my soul mate
From another realm
My soul will follow you
And be always your guiding light.
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