

Emil Asdurian: Ira


Being anger conscious, love does play with it!

Perhaps love is ira’s hymn! Or a reaction

toward what is deserved, a non-realized entitlement,

the small wave foamy trail behind its boat, quick

to disappear while the sea is dragged on its back!

It is an irascible passion without an opponent,

a puny expectation in any case!

Hope’s failed answer to self’s desperate cry!

An abyss of loneliness and sadness! A vindictive

desire for something not worth of its sweat

and blood! A very strong cider eroding its own jar,

the ancient double headed monster, a wild

ravenous mouth and its tinny tail bite, for wich

at any wake it hungrily drools. In flames towards

what by frustration tries to flattens its affection,

a nailed feverish idea of revenge, a mad and

nerve racking ache, an extreme distress endured

in hope’s name. Ah, no it doesn’t come from any evil,

as its essence buds on top of the same love’s

branch, because nothing bad could be created

by God’s breath, it turns into pleasure in a pinch

of satisfaction!

Amazingly, as irrational as it is, anger incites judgment!

Making hope, not a far inspiration light, or greed’s

craving, an anticipation to attain its object, it turns

by the magic wand of the most primordial feeling,

into a determined fire that burns to strive, and reason,

that coldblooded crocodile, to shine above the rest.

Closest to death, a loss’ resentment … the ultimate

push to break its own chains!

EA 6/15/23 from the volume “of Time and Beings” all the copyrights are protected!

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