

Israeli Minister: One of the options of war – to drop a nuclear bomb in the Gaza Strip – World

Israeli Minister Amihai Eliyahu from the ultra-right Ocma Ywehudit (Jewish Force) party said that one of the options in the war in the Gaza Strip is to drop a nuclear bomb on the Palestinian territory.

However, the minister announced shortly afterwards on the X platform that his statement about the atomic bomb was metaphorical, and that the response to terrorism must be violent and disproportionate.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu quickly distanced himself from that statement, saying that Minister Eliyahu’s words “have nothing to do with reality.”

“Israel and the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) are acting in accordance with the highest standards of international law to prevent harm to people who are not involved and we will continue to do so all the way to victory,” Netanyahu said, Israeli media reported.

Eliyahu, the minister in charge of heritage, is not part of the cabinet’s security cabinet that makes decisions in the war, which began on October 7, nor does he have influence over the war cabinet that directs the conflict against Islamic extremist Hamas.

In an interview with the public service Khan, he expressed his opposition to the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza, saying: “We would not give the Nazis humanitarian aid” and assessing that there are no civilians involved in Gaza.

Minister Eliyahu supports the re-occupation of Gaza from where the Israeli army withdrew in 2005 and the restoration of Jewish settlements there.

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