Vlora Obertinca: The strength of healing

How do I find strength
To go on fighting,
When everything hurts
The pain covered my body.
Do you feel the pain of the needles
Piercing me intensely ?
I am like a wounded warrior
Defeated from the struggle.
I have lost the battle
The sward pierced me deep,
It touched my heart
It can never be healed.
The hardest battles
Are saved for the skilled warriors,
I am down on my knees
But I don’t want to surrender.
I rise up my sward
Resurrecting from the death,
To return victorious in the battle
I didn’t created myself.
For I am a fighter
I fight till the end,
I don’t give up easy
I swore by my name.
No battle in this world
Can’t divide us from each other,
I will raise like Phoenix
From the ashes if it’s necessary.
Wake up and see the scares
Left on my chest,
Come and heal them
With your healing hands.
For we are twin hearts
With the same memories,
The same love runs through them
Only you have the power to heal.
For we came together
From the 5th dimension,
To rescue each other
While we learn our lessons.
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