

MEP Schieder: No accelerated path to EU for Serbia if Vucic continues like this

Head of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament (EP) Andreas Schieder told an interview with the daily Nova that Serbia cannot expect an accelerated path toward the European Union (EU) following the formation of the new European Parliament, especially if Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic continues with his current policies.

“If Vucic continues on his political path, fails to align with EU sanctions against Russia, and undermines the rule of law, there will soon be no progress in EU accession,” said Schieder.

Asked for a comment on the recently held local elections in Serbia, Schieder said he was not an observer this time around, but that, based on what he has learnt so far, he understands that the recommendations have not been implemented to the necessary extent.

MEP Schieder: No accelerated path to EU for Serbia if Vucic continues like this

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