

Lea Ypi zgjidhet anëtare e Akademisë së Shkencave të Anglisë

Përtej zhurmuesve, rapsodëve pa shkëputje nga puna, bejtexhinjve, demaskuesve të kundërshtarëve politikë të kooperativave bujqësore të tipit të ultë me bukë misri përgjatë gjithë vitit, që moderatorët e kohëve të sotme i prezantojnë sot si profesorë ndërkombëtarë, doganierëve e nastradinëve nga të gjitha krahët, shqiptarja Lea Ypi është anëtare e Akademisë së Shkencave të Anglisë; ndonjëherë fitoret me kulturë dhe dije janë më të vlefshme se disa beteja me armë dhe formacione luftarake.


Lea Ypi u bë e para shqiptare anëtare në Akademinë Britanike. Lajmin e ndau Qendra Kombëtare e Librit dhe Leximit e cila e uroi shkrimtaren Lea Ypi për këtë arritje të rëndësishme.

Këtë vit Akademia Britanike ka mirëpritur 86 anëtarë të rinj ku ndër ta, dallohet edhe shkrimtarja shqiptare Lea Ypi.

Presidentja e Akademisë Britanike Julia Black ka vlerësuar lart autoren shqiptare, duke i uruar mirëseardhjen në hapësirën më të lartë të kulturës britanike.

Lea Ypi është fituesja e parë e Çmimit “Lumo Skëndo” nga Qendra Kombëtare e Librit dhe Leximit, me librin e saj “Të lirë”.

Lea Ypi ka lindur në Durrës. Ajo është pedagoge e Teorisë Politike në Shkollën e Shkencave Politike dhe Ekonomike në Londër dhe Profesore e Filozofisë në Universitetin Kombëtar Australian. Është diplomuar për Filozofi dhe Letërsi nga Universitetin La Sapienza dhe ka përfunduar doktoraturën në Institutin Universitar Europian.

Ndër botimet e saj të shumta janë “Global Justice and Avant-Garde Political Agency”, “The Meaning of Partisanship” (me Jonathan White), etj.. Vepra e saj është përkthyer në frëngjisht, gjermanisht, spanjisht, italisht, holandisht dhe kinezisht (mandarinisht). Me studimet e saj ka marrë disa çmime ndërkombëtare.

Në gjuhën shqipe ka botuar dy libra: “Vetëm për vete” dhe “Të lirë”. Libri “Të lirë” është botuar edhe në anglisht dhe ka pasur një sukses të jashtëzakonshëm në arenën ndërkombëtare.


Lea Ypi (born 8 September 1979) is an Albanian academic and author. She is a professor of political theory at the London School of Economics.

Background and early life

Ypi was born in Tirana, the eldest child of Xhaferr Ypi and Vjollca Veli, who were relatively regular citizens under communist rule, but who later became involved in Albanian democratic politics in Ypi’s late childhood prior to the 1997 Albanian civil unrest. She grew up in both communist and post-communist Albania, the experience of this transition being the main topic of her book Free: Coming of Age at the End of History (2021). Though her family were compelled to be atheist under communist rule, her family was historically Muslim (Ypi says she is now agnostic). One of her paternal great-grandfathers, Xhafer Ypi, was briefly Prime Minister of Albania in the 1920s, and also very briefly headed the Albanian government at the beginning of the Italian occupation. His son, Ypi’s grandfather, was imprisoned by Albania’s communist government for 15 years.


Ypi earned her laurea in philosophy at the Sapienza University of Rome in 2002 and her laurea in Literature from the same institution in 2004. She received her Master of Research from the European University Institute in 2005 and her PhD in Political Theory from the European University Institute in 2008, with a thesis on Statist cosmopolitanism under the supervision of Peter Wagner. Prior to joining the London School of Economics she was a post-doctoral prize research fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford.

In addition to her native Albanian, Ypi is fluent in English, Italian, French and she also speaks German and Spanish.[citation needed]


Ypi’s research interests are in normative political theory (including democratic theory, theories of justice, and issues of migration and territorial rights), Enlightenment political thought (especially Kant), Marxism and critical theory, as well as the intellectual history of the Balkans, especially her native Albania.

Her book Free: Coming of Age at the End of History was shortlisted for the Baillie Gifford Prize for Nonfiction and the Costa Book Award for Biography. It won the Ondaatje Prize, the Slightly Foxed First Biography Prize, and was The Sunday Times’ memoir of the year and a book of the year for The Guardian, The New Yorker, Financial Times, The Times Literary Supplement, The Spectator, New Statesman, Washington Post, Foreign Affairs and the Daily Mail. In 2022, BBC Radio 4 serialised the book in their Book of the Week series.

Awards and honours

In 2022, Ypi was named one of the world’s top ten thinkers by the British magazine Prospect and one of the most important cultural figures by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. She was named one of the six most important thinkers of 2023 by El Pais. Her work has been translated in 30 languages and won numerous prizes, including the British Academy “Brian Barry” Prize for excellence in Political Science and a Leverhulme Prize for outstanding research achievements. She was elected to the Academia Europaea in 2020 and is a member of the jury of the Deutscher Memorial Prize.

Selected bibliography

The Meaning of Partisanship (with Jonathan White), Oxford University Press, 2016.

Global Justice and Avant-Garde Political Agency, Oxford University Press, 2012.

Kant and Colonialism: Historical and Critical Perspectives (co-edited with Katrin Flikschuh), Oxford University Press, 2014.

Migration in Political Theory: The Ethics of Movement and Membership (co-edited with Sarah Fine), Oxford University Press, 2016.

Free: Coming of Age at the End of History, Penguin, 2021.

The Architectonic of Reason: Purposiveness and Systematic Unity in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, Oxford University Press, 2021.

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