Kurt-kaçurreli djaloshar, naiviteti rinor, 1997 (Video-retrospektivë)
(s. guraziu – ars poetica, sht 2024 – materialet associated press)

…në v. 1997, pas 7 viteve studentët u kthehen studimeve, që nga 1990-a i patën bojkotuar “kushtet” serbe…
Kurti, 1997 – “…policia serbe do ta kuptojnë, jemi këmbëngulës, s’heqim dorë kurrë, dalim në protesta, i bëjmë presion ‘ndërkombëtar’ qeverisë serbe në Beligrad, ua themi troç, vetëvendosshmërisht, jemi të palëkundshëm, derisa policia ta kenë kuptuar se kanë të bëjnë me dikend fort të vendosur për ta arritur qëllimin – anise puna e historisë pati vajtur fare “ndryshe” më pastaj, por askush s’e ka mbajtur fjalën e vetëvendosjes më bindshëm sesa Kurti, vetëm flokët i ka shkurtuar, kuptohet rinia-hijeshia, studentëve gjithçka u ka hije : )
[ Kurti – Jemi të vetëvendosshëm : ) https://letrat.eu/?p=15584 ]
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[ 4 Oct 1997 – Associated Press ]
Albanian students in Kosovo were back in makeshift classrooms, but still vowed to take over a campus now reserved for Serbs.
Ethnic Albanian students have boycotted state schools and university since 1990, when Serbia abolished Kosovo’s autonomy and sacked several ethnic Albanian officials, teachers and doctors.
“By making protests which will not stop until we achieve our main demand. In fact we make international pressure to the Serbian government and also we can make better factor here inside. In that way the police will, after 2, 3, maybe 4 days of protests in a row, they will understand that they have to deal with someone who wants to achieve this goal.” – – [ Albin Kurti, member of the Presidency of the Independent Student Union ]