



“End è history has not known what is similar in Albania…”.

Albania, stay in the nativity of this great battle!

The world was spinning against a Polish shining star with the name Karol Vojtila, known as Pope in the Vatican with the name of John Paul II, even the Fatherland of Albanians was illuminated with His continued prayers and with a special devotion. It’s the bridges of a co-owner like we are under the hopeless election of the communist dictatorship. It is the calls of the Man to know the brave, who left in the story sheets with the name Pope John Paul II, three words: ′′ Do not fear!”

This was Pope Polish Carol Vojtila, who changed the World’s History!

The Berlin Wall fell! The international terrorist communist system fell! Tyranny fell forever! Dictators fell forever together their ′′ memorials

On April 25, 1993, when Pope John Paul II, was entering the reconstructed Cathedral of Shkodra, the day on which he kissed the Albanian Land, the new Earth for centuries with the blood of my Albanian Martyrs, and finally we fell under the communist and barbaric sword, it seemed unbelievable that we are seeing the greatest Man of the Century who, with His hand, was blessing us and resurrecting Religion in our hearts!

It was yes, that Pope, since June 1991, Burrnisht had rejected the request of traitor and tyrant of the ′′ Cultural Revolution ′′ Ramiz Alia, the 1967 killer in Shkodra, visiting the Vatican, in hopes of fraud for me save the position of president.

It was Pope who donated to the City of Shkodra Fugure the Good Council Zoja and placed it with His hand, bless the stone of the rebuilding of the Church of Zoja Brija Rozafat Castle, for the third time we destroyed it after 1967 from Anatolians. His message was: ′′ To return to the country and to the people of Tuej peace, a better life and social development in human and religious traditions of this land ′′ (April 26, Vatican).

This was Polish Vojtila, since the Soviet Union threatened Poland over democratic movements there declared: ′′ If a Soviet soldier violates the Polish border, I will be like a Pope and will go to fight there for my Homeland Freedom!”

Pope John Paul II is the most accurate connoisseur of Communist Albania and for this to refer to Him: ′′ I have come here to express my Vllazar honor and various religious communities that have been together here for centuries: The Christian Orthodox Community and the Muslim Community to whom a heartfelt greeting is brought…

I have come to show every Albanian admiration and support at this delicate stage of the historical passage and of knowing societal and spiritual resurrection.

They loved you Brother and Sister! How many times in the past you had to forcefully protect your identity. With such a commitment that even this square reminds us of the Albanian figure of Christ Gjergj Castriot – Scanderbeg, we are respected by the Pope of Rome and eternally alive in the memory of the Albanian People…

You have varies for Tuey Nation. Wait and you have the right to love him so much. The people of you went through a truly shocking tragedy under communist oppression. It was truly terrifying to obtain human life under totalitarian regimes like the one you have known, where man was denied one of the most essential rights: Freedom of displaying his thought and faith and freedom of conscience. Denial this one, who often took the shape of a horrible oppression. Is there anything more important than closing the Temples of all faith and, weren’t priests sentenced to death, just because they dare to exercise religious adults? Weren’t believers persecuted to be imprisoned or insulted in all ways? In your place to wear mashumma no other place than persecution is easy to find traces of ancient Christian catacombs and arenas where, Christ’s witnesses jumped by force to feed beasts. Here is a tough fight against Religion, symbolic line of a dogmatic program of a social and political program, supported by communist ideology…

What has resembled in Albania, the beloved Brother and Sister, is never seen in the history of humanity. It is true that even in the Roman Empire there are harsh persecution against Christians, but then it was about a state which, in the name of a religion, that pagan, fought those who supported the Gospel of Christ. And here, the state is trying to quench every religious expression in the name of a radical atheism, to rely on a universal and general system. All this happened at a time when no one could intervene to protect the dignity of the people who were denied everything, to break them up from ′′ humanity “, their freedom…

The drama of Juej Albanians beloved, awakens the interest of the entire European continent and it is necessary that Europe does not forget you!

And in fact this must be the point today, quickly remember what existed to look forward to. This is a view, that in a prism of insight is right, even, necessary, but on a condition, that always remains in our memory what resembled in the past. Indeed this is a necessary condition not to reciprocate to the same tearful mistakes and, it is the best path to a true reconciliation process. But this freedom of religious faith which You are finally enjoying, is not only a precious gift from God to those who have the grace of Religion, but it is a gift to all, but it is the guarantee of every other expression of freedom. It touches man in his own intimacy, in that sacred and unattended corner that is conscious, where, human kenja meets the Creator and gains full conscience of his dignity.

From such freedom, we treated it as it should be, there is no way to fear any human disorder. The candid belief in Té did not divide people but instead, it unites them with all their specialties. How does Religion teach us, if we have a common Creator that we are all Brotherhood. So, that Religion, is a defensive castle against totalitarianism and a western contribution to a human brotherhood…

Albania, stay in the nativity of this great battle!

The road you want is not that easy. End è has pambylluna wounds.

The past lé serve as a lesson but never push you into vengeance. It’s time to go confidently towards the future.

Great is the duty that awaits you for which you have already started working with a glorious zeal. In the effort of economic recovery it is necessary for everyone to be guaranteed work, what is most essential to live with dignity, the will to consolidate your democracy.

This didn’t achieve without a price as you needed some essential values to start from the dignity of human life. ′′ A democracy without values,-I wrote in the Centesimus Annus Encilklika-can easily become an open or secret totalitarianism, as history is telling us… ′′ (April 25, 1993, In the square Skanderbeg, Tirana).

And I repeat, should Europe remember on this April 25, 2021.., the current drain of St John Paul II -:

“The end è story has not known what has resembled in Albania… The drama of Juej Albanians loved, awakens the good interest of the European Continent!…”.

Melbourne, April 22, 2021.


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