Maryam Rajavi i bën thirrje OKB-së të krijojë komisionin për të hetuar masakrën e 1988 në Iran
Znj. Maryam Rajavi, Presidentja e zgjedhur e Këshillit Kombëtar të Rezistencës së Iranit, përshëndeti rezolutën e 64-të të OKB-së që dënon shkeljet e të drejtave të njeriut në Iran miratuar vetëm pak orë më parë nga Komiteti i Tretë i OKB-së.
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UN Third Committee adopts resolution censuring human rights abuses in Iran
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UN Third Committee adopts resolution censuring human rights abuses in Iran
Maryam Rajavi calls on the UN to launch committee to investigate the 1988 massacre in Iran, and to prosecute and punish the officials in charge
Maryam Rajavi welcomed the 64th UN resolution condemning the violations of human rights in Iran adopted only a few hours ago by the UN Third Committee. She pointed out, “The time has come for the international community and especially the UN Security Council to undertake effective and practical measures against the religious fascism ruling Iran for its flagrant and systematic violations of human rights in Iran, particularly the brutal executions that are carried out arbitrarily and en masse.”