

Andrej Nikolaidis: Is there anyone in this country to f*** Vucic off?

Aleksandar Vucic is sending players to the Olympics, telling them that residents of Pljevlja and Berane will be happy about their results as well. Because, you know: Montenegro and its cities are part of his Serbian world. The interesting fact is that he didn’t mention the cities of Kosovo, from the “heart of Serbia”, because Kurti’s there. And Kurti is hard-handed. Vucic, instead, mentioned the Montenegrin cities, because he obviously considers them an occupied territory.

There’s something libidinous at the root of Vucic’s – and that of Greater Serbia nationalism – obsession with Montenegro – you can’t deny it. I don’t know what they think: that Montenegrins have bigger cock, that they fuck better… whatever it is, it’s libidinous. The root of such an obsession is always libidinous. But that’s another story, and we’ll tell it another time. Or we won’t.

Equally, at the root of submissiveness with which Montenegrin’s so-called state leadership kneels before Vucic and is afraid to say anything that would anger him – the libidinous lies as well.

Whatever is the case, Freud would have enjoyed observing the misery of Montenegrin “statesmen” who humbly watch Vucic raise his foot to mark the territory that is theirs – no matter how much they did not want it and did not perceive it as their own. What a spectacular display of beta males, in which elementary human dignity (even in the absence of even a trace of it) is just a burden and a pain.

Serbia is not an empire. It will never be. The misfortune of this region, as well as of Serbia itself, lies in the fact that Greater Serbia nationalism is an imperial concept, which implies the expansion of territory and influence. For which Serbia does not have the strength. Therefore, the concept of Moljevic’s ‘Homogena’, later Greater Serbia, which failed spectacularly twice in the 20th century, was replaced by the virtual-simulacrum concept of the Serbian world. The difference between Greater Serbia and the Serbian world is, in essence, the difference between sex and masturbation. The brilliant Austrian aphorist, Karl Kraus, claimed that sex is a poor substitute for masturbation anyway. Here’s a consolation for Vucic. The Serbian world is, he can always tell himself, Even Better Than the Real Thing, as U2 sings. The Serbian world is the Great Serbia of Pornhub.

There are three main reasons why Vucic is allowed to carry out his masturbating big-state project: the weapons he sends to Ukraine via a third party, the millions he pours into lobbying black holes in Washington, and – lithium, on which the Serbian beta-autocrat sits.

When you have lithium, which is necessary for Europe to implement the green agenda, and for the German auto industry to grow, there is nothing you cannot do. You can play superpower and destabilize the region as long as you wish.

When you possess lithium, the EU and the USA turn a blind eye (and a third one) to the fact that you control and abuse and humiliate the Montenegrin parliament, which you force to work against the interests of your own country. When you have lithium, the EU delegation in Bosnia goes to the Military Cemetery, where the executioners of Srebrenica are also buried, to honor the “killed civilians” there, what a joke.

But we have already seen that.

In May 1985, US President Ronald Reagan, accompanied by German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, laid flowers at the Military Cemetery in Bitburg, the then West Germany. It turned out that 49 members of the SS were also buried in that cemetery. Despite strong opposition from Jewish organizations, Reagan did not leave the ceremony.

Newspaper reports of the time connected his decision with Kohl’s consent for America to station Pershing IIs in Germany aimed at Russia. Reagan refused all requests to cancel the visit, saying that he could not do that to Kohl, because he “owed” to him.

It wasn’t just about that. A strong German economy was a fundamental American interest. After World War II, America puhed for the reconstruction of Germany and made it its chosen privileged partner-servant. Varoufakis wrote about this in the ‘Global Minotaur’.

By Global Minotaur Janis meant America. But it doesn’t take much knowledge or intelligence to understand that it is also the name for the world economic system.

Varoufakis claimed that the Minotaur acts “like a giant vacuum cleaner that sucks in the surplus of other people’s goods and capital.” And although such an “arrangement” embodied the greatest imaginable imbalance on a planetary scale (…) it nevertheless led to something resembling a global balance (…) The world’s leading surplus-producing economies (for example, Germany, Japan and later China ) were still mass-producing goods that America absorbed. Almost 70% of the profits that those countries collected on a global scale then returned to the US in the form of capital flows on Wall Street.”

The constant flow of funds from the rest of the world to the US is like the sacrifices the ancient Greeks made to the Minotaur.

Varoufakis: “When the US lost its role as a country with a balance of payments surplus, the fate of the Global Plan was sealed. As we have seen, the US has turned the new double deficit to its advantage. Instead of abandoning the role of hegemon and trying to reduce the deficit, they did the exact opposite: they strengthened the hegemony by increasing the deficit! And since the deficit must be financed, the key to the second post-war phase was for the rest of the world to generate a tsunami of capital directed towards New York”.

This is the essence of Reagan’s performance at the cemetery in Bitburg: the Minotaur sent flowers to the fallen SS fighters, and Germany sent money to Wall Street. And everyone happy.

This is also the essence of the EU performance at the Military Cemetery in Bratunac. They will give Vucic flowers for the Serbian soldiers who carried out the genocide in Bosnia, Vucic will give them litium.

If things in this world – which, they say, is the best of all possible ones – are set up so that Nazi crimes can be paid for by unconditional support for the killing of Palestinian children, it follows that it is preferable to pay for Volkswagen’s Serbian lithium with the dead residents of Srebrenica.

In my opinion, this is not about politics, but proof that capitalism does not mind using even necrophilic practices. But things are like this: capitalism is not based only on the endless exploitation of the living, but also of the dead. Because the dead have enormous symbolic capital. Which burns better even than fossil fuels.

Yes, things are like that: the tantrums of the offended are futile. To be constantly offended is to be constantly inferior. The Montenegrin political and intellectual elite should take this into account, that’s my truly well-intentioned advice. About the fact that the logic of victimization and growing Montenegrin resentment does not lead us to the following: for some the lithium, for others the Serbian world, and for us the status of victims who will cry over the replay of 1918 for the next 100 years.

I’m telling you this – Vucic is playing a game. You whine. To whom? The World Won’t Listen, as The Smiths would say. God will not help, as the great Croatian poet Marko Pogacar would say.

Vučić is using the same strategy in Bosnia and Montenegro: constant indiscriminate soft power bombing. One day, the Serbian Army marches through Prijedor; on the second day, an announcement arrives that peace in Bosnia will be guarded by the MUP of Serbia; the third day will be something else. One day he imposes the Resolution on Jasenovac on the servile, miserable parliament in Podgorica; on the second day, he instals the chapel of King Alexander on Mount Lovćen, a symbol of the Serbian occupation of Montenegro; then he introduces Serbian as the official language.

In essence, Vucic’s strategy is a variation of what Mladic once, during the bombing of Sarajevo, formulated as “Wise up!”.

Vucic has already occupied Podgorica. He hasn’t done it with Sarajevo and he never will. In a response to the question why he did it with Podgorica and with Sarajevo not lies the answer to the question: what should we do.

The answer is: resistance. If our peaceful, democratic and certainly dignified resistance to the EU and the USA is not more expensive than Vucic’s lithium, there’s no salvation for us.

Fuck it. It’s not fair, but it is what it is. Whoever is not a potential problem can’t sit at the table. And those not sitting at the table are on it.

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