

Taylor Swift, në një romancë sekrete

Taylor Swift was spotted with new love interest, British actor Tom Hiddleston. The two were spotted canoodling on the rocks along the beach in Westerly, RI. In between kissing the two posed for many selfies. Hiddleston, almost 10 years older than Swift, wrapped her in his jacket. The couple walked off the beach holding hands. Photo Location: Westerly RI--Public Beach Captured 9/13/16 Please *EXCLUSIVE PLEASE EMAIL FOR FEES BEFORE USE

Taylor Swift was spotted with new love interest, British actor Tom Hiddleston. The two were spotted canoodling on the rocks along the beach in Westerly, RI. In between kissing the two posed for many selfies. Hiddleston, almost 10 years older than Swift, wrapped her in his jacket. The couple walked off the beach holding hands. Photo Location: Westerly RI–Public Beach Captured 9/13/16 Please *EXCLUSIVE PLEASE EMAIL FOR FEES BEFORE USE

Vetëm pak ditë pas publikimit të lajmit të ndarjes së saj nga Calvin Harris, duket se Taylor Swift ka vijuar jetën e saj dhe të krahët e një tjetër djali. “The Sun”, ka postuar foto të një romance sekrete të këngëtares me aktorin Tom Hiddleston. Dyshja pasi u pa së bashku që në evenin e “Met Gala”, është fotografuar në një ditë romatike në një plazh në Rhode Island, SHBA. Një burim pranë Taylor ka thënë gazetës se: “Tom e ka pëlqyer këngëtaren që ditën e parë që janë takuar dhe i dërguar vazhdimisht lule”.

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