

Wednesday’s Iran Mini Report – July 25, 2018

•U.S. Defense secretary backs Trump’stone toward Iran

Defense Secretary James Mattis reinforced President Trump’s Twitter warning to Iran on Tuesday, saying it’s time for Iran to “shape up and show responsibility.”

Speaking to reporters alongside Secretary of State Mike Pompeo after two days of meetings with Australian officials at Stanford University, Mattis appeared unconcerned that Trump’s all-caps tweet warning Sunday to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani not to threaten the U.S. would accelerate tensions in the Middle East.

•Iran’s Growing Cyber Capabilities Pose Danger

Iran has expanded its cyber-attack capabilities and poses a danger to German companies and research institutions, Germany’s BfV domestic intelligence agency said in its annual report.

The report, released on Tuesday by German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer and the BfV agency, cited steadily increasing cyber-attacks with a likely origin in Iran since 2014, and said numerous such attacks were seen on German targets in 2017.

The new intelligence report said cyber-attacks believed to be backed by Iran were mainly aimed at the German government, dissidents, human rights organisations, research centres and the aerospace, defence and petrochemical industries.

•2nd day of truckers’ nationwide strike

July 24, 2018 – Truck drivers continued their nationwide strike for the second consecutive day on Tuesday in cities across the country. Images and videos of this protest from the cities of Qazvin, Zahedan, Chalus, Farrokhshahr, Isfahan, and Yazd have been posted on the internet.

In Mashhad, truck drivers neglected any deceptive promises provided by regime officials and authorities.

Truck drivers in Isfahan were seen protesting those drivers breaking their ranks, demanding they continue their strike.

•Women political prisoners in Evin condole Moradi family

Women political prisoners Atena Daemi, Golrokh Iraee and Maryam Akbari Monfared offered their condolences to the family of the slain political activist, Eghbal Moradi, from behind the bars in the women’s ward of the Evin Prison.

On Wednesday, July 18, 2018, Eghbal Moradi was found dead, shot with three bullets, in Penjwen, a Kurdish town lying along the Iran-Iraq border.

•Protests by Looted People of Caspian Credit Institution

On Tuesday, July 24, 2018, a group of looted people from the Caspian Credit Institute in Rasht protested against the non-return of their assets after years and gathered in front of the Gulsar Branch in Rasht, Iran
The protesters held a large banner written on it: “The Caspian Credit Institute in the country of Islam where thieves are free, and the plundered are threatened, arrested, imprisoned and trialed.”

•Farmers and Gardeners Resume Protest Against Lack Of Water Rights

In Tuesday morning, July 24, 2018, a group of farmers and gardeners in western Isfahan gathered in front of the Isfahan governorate to pursue their water rights in protest against the shortage of water and drying their trees.

The protesting farmers and gardeners in western Isfahan chanted slogans against the government.

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