


For me the world was never so small, as to
hold it in my hands, probably that has been
the reason that I have to search for every
detail, or to concentrate on the most important
part of it, at least that’s was what I believed, so
describing it through a smile was not enough, a
poem or a novel either, magic, but never as simple as
the sounder of old fervent prayers of ancient devoted
monks who knew more about these mystic things of dusty
ghosts on leather pages, as innocent eyes burn with
incense, our bargain: the fathers’ visions of war, their
crumbs of rewards and their part of ideological poison,
their belief to disbelieve forever in all!
That’s why the world was never too small, but hugely
fearful and full of uncertainty in knowledge, truthfully
untrue… that’s why I want to write for nothing else but you!
Indeed, even there is a ton of other reasons, one a ton more
heavier, unaltered for millennia, the most human of all Gods,


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