

Albanian language, 6 thousand years ago

Alone, outside of any grouping and the oldest of the Indo-European languages, extracted as a result of the calculation of 1000 language trees that were taken as a sample, it shows that the Albanian language stands at the top of all languages, with its antiquity.

This method of calculation shows that it goes back 6000 years. It does not belong to any language group or family. Walking alone, from ancient times to today.
Source of the study:
Graça da Silva S, Tehrani JJ. (2016)
“Comparative phylogenetic analyses uncover the ancient roots of Indo-European folktales”. R. Soc. open sci. 3: 150645.

Sara Graça da Silva,
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition, New University of Lisbon.
Jamshid J. Tehrani,
Department of Anthropology and Centre for the Coevolution of Biology and Culture, Durham University, Durham DH1 1LE, UK.

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