

Edi Rama, në krye të listës së personaliteteve më të ndjekur

Sipa një kërkimi të Blerim Gjeladinit, Edi Rama është në krye të listës së personaliteteve më të ndjekur duke lënë pas Conten, Netanjahun dhe presidentin turk, Erdogan.

Ranking of the most active leaders on the social network Facebook. The analysis was done by analyzing the number of population that each country represents.
Method used:
•Total number of site followers
•Total reactions in each post
•Total number of population
Based on these data Terra data marketing has published this report.

In the first table: reaction / population by politician (ranking is done according to our algorithm)
•Total followers
•Total reactions on posts
•Total population

In the second table
Followers / Population by politician
•Total followers
•Total population

In both measurements, Edi Rama,Giuseppe Conte and Benjamin Netanyahu – בנימין נתניהו are on tops the list of the most followed world leaders on Facebook.

According to the analysis made by Terra marketing, every citizen over 18 years of age has reacted directly or indirectly at least 7th a year in the posts of Edi Rama.

According to the analysis made by Terra marketing, every citizen over 18 years of age has reacted directly or indirectly at least twice a year in the posts of Benjamin Netanyahu – בנימין נתניהו.

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